Solar Photovoltaic module test laboratory

To gear-up the solar photovoltaic (SPV) industry which helps our country to achieve the target in the field of renewable energy, ERED is equipped with high class SPV testing equipment to ensure desired performance of SPV modules. This facility has been serving our customer for the past 3 years ensuring accurate results and customer satisfaction. SPV modules are tested for its ‘Design qualification and type approval’ and ‘safety qualification’ as per international/Indian standards IEC 61215(Part 1 and 2)/IS 14286 (Part 1 and 2) and IEC/IS 61730(Part 1 and 2). Though the capacity of commercially available SPV modules in Indian market is below 400 Wp, the division is capable of testing the modules rated up to 500 Wp.

Contact Details

Rajkumar N,
Joint Director / HOD
Energy Efficiency &
Renewable Energy Division
Phone : + 080 22072368
Mob: +91 9886497677
Email: /

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